Planmed, Inc. » Directory

Planmed, Inc.

Contact: Robin Gathman
100 North Gary Ave., Suite A Roselle IL 60172 USA Work Phone: (630) 523-7848 Website:
Photo of Planmed, Inc.

Biographical Info

Planmed Oy develops, manufactures and markets advanced imaging equipment for orthopedic imaging. Planmed’s extensive. Within orthopedic 3D imaging Planmed offers low dose extremity CT imaging for quicker, easier and more accurate diagnosis at the point-of-care. Strongly committed to R&D and design, Planmed Oy exports more than 98% of its production to over 70 countries worldwide. Planmed Oy was established in 1989 and the company’s headquarters are located in Helsinki, Finland. Planmed Oy is part of the Finland-based Planmeca Group that manufactures and markets state-of-the-art products for the medical and dental fields. The Group’s turnover in 2014 was approximately EUR 740 million and it employs nearly 2,700 people worldwide.

Categories: NCoBC 2014 Exhibitors, NCoBC 2015 Exhibitors, NCoBC2019 Exhibitors