Committee List

NCBC Committee list:

Several committees help to facilitate NCBC's programs. With membership representing many distinct fields of training, personal involvement through participation in one or more of the organization's committees is encouraged. All committees along with their goals are listed on the next few pages. We invite you to consider participation on a committee to share your expertise, make a difference and develop relationships with peers across the country.

Past Presidents Council
The Past President's Council shall consist of all Past Presidents of the organization.  The President shall appoint the Chairman of the Past President's Council.  Their function will be to review policies, make long-range plan suggestions and serve as advisors to the President.  The council shall meet upon the call of the President. 

National Quality Measures for Breast Centers Certification Program Committee (NQMBC, NQMBC Surgeon, NQMBC International)
This committee reviews current benchmarks of quality, determines which benchmarks are reasonably measured, establishes a peer-reviewed audit for breast centers and creates a certification program for breast centers. Also, the committee will strive for collaboration with other organizations interested in quality and seek their support of our initiative. Click here to Meet the Committee Members:

Breast Navigator Certification Program Committee (BHCN and BPNC)
This committee is in charge of the development and management of the Breast Navigation Certification Program. Members help to develop definitions, activities, and competency standards for breast patient navigators. Members also ensure that the list of resources for breast patient navigators, requirements for the navigator certification and testing materials are updated. Attend regional certification programs and the national certification program. Click here to Meet the Committee Members:

Cancer Genetic Risk Assessment Certification Committee (CGRA)
This committee will develop a certification to confirm that a clinician with the skills and expertise to perform breast cancer risk assessment is meeting the collaborative style. By verifying the certification participates knowledge and competence, verifying documented clinical experience and provide established collaborative relationship with cancer genetics professionals. Click here to Meet the Committee Members:

NCBC Certification Board
The NCBC Certification Board has autonomy in decision making for all certification policies and activities associated with our certifications. It is the role and responsibility of the NCBC Certification Board to create, update and maintain the NCBC Certification Program, Exams, Policies and Procedures and Bylaws. Click here to Meet the Certification Board Members:

Newsletter/Social Media/Breast Wellness Magazine Committee
Members of this committee are responsible for publishing monthly newsletters, exploring new ways to distribute and expand the newsletter, recruiting content regarding organizational membership, leadership, operations and activities, and working with the Membership Development and Marketing Program members to recruit advertising, sponsorship and revenue. 

NCoBC Conference Program Committee (Planning Committee; General, Pre & Post-Conferences)
This committee is responsible for designing the Annual National Interdisciplinary Breast Center Conference. It interfaces with numerous committee chairs to ensure that they are incorporating all the needs of our current programs, while still encompassing a well-rounded multi-disciplinary conference. This committee also works with the Exhibitor/Sponsor’s Committee Chair to ensure that the monetary funds from sponsorship and exhibitors are flowing as necessary.  Members are involved in securing our accreditation company, validating our credits is properly provided, and oversee the development of the conference flyer. Members also work with other non-profit or corporate organizations to encourage their participation at the conference.  

Abstract/Poster Task Committee
Members of this committee recruit abstracts and posters for presentation at the Annual National Interdisciplinary Breast Center Conference, identify criteria for accepting abstracts/posters for display and/or presentation at the conference, arrange auditing and peer review for poster submissions for the conference and work with the Conference Program Committee. Click here to for information on Abstract/Posters:

Networking Task Force Committee
This committee facilitates networking between new attendees at the NCBC annual meeting.  Providing conference attendee’s, the opportunity to meet and interact with peers from around the country in a non-formal environment. Members will strive to make new members welcome outside of the meeting as well, answering questions, and providing support. It will also serve as an interface with the membership development and marketing committee to promote new members. 

Exhibitor/Sponsorship Committee
The Exhibitor and Sponsors Committee ensures vendor and sponsor participation is at the levels to sustain an affordable conference fee. Make certain that corporations are invited and not pressured to participate and that they are not over invited to underwrite or participate in corporate advertising and outreach programs. 

Advertising, Underwriting and Outreach Opportunities Committee
To develop and offer programs to the members and for-profit corporations that provide a service that allows sharing information to the members through which services the NCoBC generate incomes and offsets expenses.

Alliance and Partnerships: 

Ask the Experts Program Committee
This program oversees the email questions and answers on the NCBC website, helps edit e-mail questions and evaluates the quality of the responsiveness of the email exchange program. Click here to view Ask the Experts (NCBC Members Only):

International Liaison Committee
This committee interfaces and develops relationships with breast centers outside the United States and promotes participation in the annual interdisciplinary conference from those breast centers.  See International Delegate Program brochure here.