by breastcareadmin | Jan 15, 2014 | Certifications
Breast Centers of Excellence Course - Saturday & Sunday (2 day course MARCH 15 &16) $469 for conference registrants $599 for non-conference registrants Register for: Create a Breast Center of Excellence! Course Register for NCoBC2014 Conference...
by breastcareadmin | Jan 12, 2014 | Newsletters
Crisis or Opportunity? Breast Density Notification, Workflow and the Implementation of Screening Ultrasound Gerald R. Kolb The world of breast imaging began a dynamic evolutionary process beginning in 2007, with the recognition that the traditional screening...
by breastcareadmin | Jan 12, 2014 | Newsletters
Ms. La Fargue has been a member of the Newsletter Advisory Board for several years. She has agreed to expand her responsibilities now that the newsletter is broadening its scope of activities to take advantage of the new digital platform. Ms. La Fargue earned both her...